

Who We Are

The Brothers Rekindling Our Spirits (BROS) Men’s Club goal is to build solidarity and support Indigenous men along their journey to regain/maintain a sense of pride and fulfillment in their lives. The BROS Club utilizes a holistic integrated approach that draws on knowledge and teachings from Elders, ceremony, land based teachers, etc. As well as services from physicians, addictions specialists, housing supports etc.

Who Do We Serve

Our programs and services are directed at Indigenous men.

All over the world. Indigenous Peoples are among the most marginalized, impoverished members of society. Compared with the rest of the population, Indigenous Peoples continue to experience considerably higher rates of mortality, morbidity, greater risk of depression and suicide, and preventable diseases. Further, men are generally less likely than women to seek help with health like issues and face many barriers when accessing appropriate mental health services. AS a result, men suffer in silence far to often. Social isolation, or lack of social inclusion remains a significant risk factor for poor mental health and suicide.

Our programs exists to change this.

To slowly and gradually reverse rising rates of poor mental health and suicide among Indigenous men through evidence based, Indigenous –designed, led and evaluated programs focused on social connectedness.

Intake is currently closed until further notice. Please contact Team Lead at 204-925-7506 for further information.