Indian Residential School – (IRS) Resolution Health Support Program
The purpose of the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS) is to provide former IRS and Indian Day School (IDS) Students as well as their families with access to mental health, safety, wellness, and aftercare supports.

IRS provides services to former IRS or IDS students who have a claim against the Government of Canada.
The Resolution Health Support Worker Service is set up to provide the following supports by:
• identifying what modern and/or traditional supports are needed and appropriate;
• mental health counselling and
• transportation to attend counselling with a Traditional Healer.
• when needed, providing mental health counselling, emotional support, and transportation to counselling with a Traditional Healer;
• providing referrals to Health Canada to determine their eligibility for professional counselling services;
• providing referrals to established community services and supports; and
• providing access to Traditional Healers and professional counselors funded through Health Canada.
Hours of Operation
8:45AM to 4:30PM
Closed during lunch hour
12:00PM to 1:00PM