Mino-Pimatiziiwin – Men’s Healthy Living Program (MHLP)

  • The focus of the Men’s Healthy Living Program (MHLP) is to provide services to Indigenous men who are wanting to make positive lifestyle changes as role models within the family unit and as agents of change within the community.
  • MHLP provides a variety of services, such as advocacy, support, counselling, as well as access to a Cultural Advisor, resources, and community services.


Services will be provided to men and their families who:

  • are of Indigenous ancestry (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit);
  • reside in the City of Winnipeg; and
  • are eighteen years of age or older.


Our program provides:

  • access to cultural counselling and traditional healing;
  • Sharing and Teaching Circles, cultural education, and crafts;
  • advocacy with other community agencies;
  • support in setting and achieving goals; and
  • referrals and resources to access other services such as education, training, employment, housing, and cultural resources, as well as health and social services.


Senior Counselor

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